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Introduction and Highlights


AutoLayer is the multi-chain Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRT) Finance app. Restake into various LRT options with just one click while conserving and compounding your yields effortlessly. Furthermore, AutoLayer serves as the gateway to LRTfi, giving users the power to create strategies to unleash the potential of LRTs.

Key Highlights:

  • 1-Click Liquid Restaking: Restake with any token seamlessly in a single transaction. AutoLayer facilitates native restaking across various providers, allowing users to earn ETH Staking Yields, EigenLayer Points, Symbiotic Points, LRT Points, and AutoLayer Points with just a simple click, starting with any asset, as we route liquidity through DEXes.
  • LRTfi Strategies and Automations: Effortlessly set up LRTfi automations with AutoLayer, choosing from a wide range of on-chain and off-chain conditions. Generate yields like never before.
  • Safe and Secure: Experience top-tier safety in DeFi with AutoLayer. Our contracts are audited, ensuring robust security by connecting with extensively audited and battle-tested protocols. Our commitment to your safety includes constantly open bug bounties. Plus, enjoy complete control with all funds securely held.
  • Next Gen Analytics: AutoLayer is developing its analytics suite to track AVSs and LRTs, providing clear insights about slashing events, rehypothecations, possible depegs, and all critical information regarding all assets involved.


AutoLayer is the multi-chain hub for Liquid Restaking, Yields, & LRT Airdrops. Users can harness the power of Ethereum by leveraging multiple LRT/LST options with just one click while conserving and compounding their yields effortlessly.

AutoLayer hosts a full suite of LRTs, LSTs, and other 1-click products that users can deposit to. Trades in AutoLayer are rewarded with Points from both AutoLayer and the protocol, which can lead to even bigger rewards in the form of airdrops and other incentives.


LRTfi and restaking protocol ecosystems like EigenLayer and Symbiotic are among the most exciting topics in this cycle, but they come with some risks. LRTs are derivatives created on top of the security of Ethereum, also providing security to AVSs. This generates new opportunities and new risks.


AutoLayer is a simple interface that lets you trade, analyze, and make the best of the LRTfi ecosystem, enabling users to make better decisions and act swiftly. AutoLayer also automates complex DeFi operations, making the management of these products easy, productive, and safe.

Business Model and Revenue Streams

AutoLayer business model employs a combination of a tokenomics strategy, liquidity provision incentives, decentralized finance (DeFi) principles, and innovation in product offerings to sustain and grow its operations. Here's a detailed breakdown of the model:

1. Token Utility & Ecosystem Expansion

AutoLayer Token (LAY3R) Growth: The company utilizes the AutoLayer token (LAY3R) as the cornerstone of its ecosystem. The token plays a critical role in the protocol, being essential for liquidity provisioning, staking, governance, and access to premium services within the ecosystem. As user adoption increases, demand for the token rises, naturally leading to potential appreciation in its value due to scarcity and utility.

No Initial Fees: In the early stages, the platform imposes no transaction fees, which incentivizes adoption by reducing the friction for new users. This helps the platform rapidly attract liquidity providers and users, creating network effects that contribute to increased engagement and platform momentum.

2. Introduction of Transaction Fees

Gradual Implementation of Fees: As the user base matures, a transaction fee structure will be gradually introduced, ranging from 0.05% to 0.20% on all transactions. This serves as a key revenue stream for the company. However, rather than extracting this value, the fees are reinvested back into the ecosystem to ensure its sustainability and long-term growth.

Reinvestment in Liquidity: A significant portion of the transaction fees is used to purchase LAY3R and ETH, which are then reinvested into the liquidity pool for the LAY3R/ETH trading pair on decentralized exchanges. This reinforces liquidity, decentralizes control, and stabilizes the token’s price over time. By directly tying fees to liquidity provisioning, the protocol can enhance both security and token value stability.

Treasury Revenue Stream: To ensure the protocol's long-term sustainability, AutoLayer introduces an autonomous treasury management system. A portion of the transaction fees (e.g., 10-20%) can be also automatically directed to the protocol's treasury.

3. Next-Generation Product Development

Next-Gen LRT: AutoLayer is actively working on the development of a next-generation LRT. This innovative product will also generate new revenue streams.

Target Market

All DeFi and LRTs users. AutoLayer aims to amplify the opportunities on restaking protocols such as EigenLayer and Symbiotic targeting a broad audience.


  • Kucoin Labs
  • GBV
  • Morning Star Ventures
  • Black Edge Capital
  • Dewhales


  • Chain Link
  • Balancer
  • Paraswap
  • Kelp
  • Renzo
  • Inception
  • Camelot
  • Gamma
  • Etherfi
  • Puffer
  • Swell
  • Bedrock
  • Stake
  • Mellow
  • Symbiotic
  • Eigen Layer
  • Everclear
  • Nektar Network
  • BNB Chain


  • Javier Blanco Thomas's avatar

    Javier Blanco Thomas


    • LinkedIn
    • Studied Physics and Information Technology at UCM.
    • Founded Glue Digital in 2010; the company has grown to 35 employees, achieving €2.5M in ARR with an impressive 90% year-over-year growth.
    • Received awards from Laus Awards, German Design Council, and Awwwards.
    • Speaker at conferences like Websummit, 4YFN, Health2.0, and the University of Santiago de Compostela.
    • Actively engages as a mentor, investor, and advisor to various startups.
  • Anxo Soto's avatar

    Anxo Soto


    • LinkedIn
    • Holds a degree in Computer Engineering from UdC.
    • Chief Technology Officer at Glue Digital since 2014.
    • Author of Universal Scripts, a popular React framework.
    • Contributed to numerous cryptography and security protocols.
    • Professor in bootcamps and advisor to various startups.
  • Diana D. Reinoso's avatar

    Diana D. Reinoso


    • LinkedIn
    • Graduated with a degree in Advertising from UVIGO and completed a Master’s Degree in 3D Art Direction at LSD (Lisbon).
    • Chief Design Officer at Glue Digital since 2012.
    • Recognized with awards and nominations in competitions like Laus, German Design Council, and Awwwards.
    • Renowned photographer with exhibitions in Spain, Germany, and Portugal.


Tokenomics diagram

Token Utility

The AutoLayer token is central to the entire Dapp, gaining value as the user base grows and rewarding its holders. A platform fee of 0.05% - 0.20% applies to every operation on AutoLayer. This fee does not consume gas as it is bundled with the initial transactions. The protocol will buy LAY3R and ETH on the market and provide liquidity to the LAY3R/ETH pair. A 30-day escrowed version of these LP tokens is sent to the user's wallet, and holding those LP tokens will earn more LAY3R tokens over time. The longer the user holds them, the greater the yield. Rewards can be restaked into more LPs, growing the user's LP position over time.

Token Deflation

With every transaction, 0.025% to 0.10% of the volume generates buying pressure on a DEX, embedded in the transaction without incurring any gas costs. Simultaneously, liquidity in that pool increases, making the price more stable over time. As the protocol grows in volume, it also enhances deflation and decentralisation of liquidity. By rewarding good liquidity providers/holders, the protocol creates a virtuous circle that tackles inflation and shares revenues within the community.